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Our goal is the provision of the legal quality assistance, consultancy and representation of parties in criminal judgments, civil, administrative and familiar, in the realization of defense during the process of preliminary investigation and judgment, in all instances.

The studio offers legal services:

1. 1. In the field of civil law for the conflicts of ownership, of the obligations, of heritage, familiar, etc;

2. 2. In the administrative field, addressing to “Memo”, to the institutions and other state authorities,decisions opposition of the state administration, in administrative and judicial way, pursuing of all kinds of procedures frontward administrative authorities etc;

3. 3. In the field of commercial law, where is included, drafting and editing companies acts, pursuing their procedures registration, other necessary performing actions and an continuously provision for legal consultancy of these companies, when they need a legal information and to make the necessary interventions in the acts of foundation of commercial companies.

4. 4. In the field of financial law, guaranteeing cooperation in issues resolving with licensed accounting expert, who are professionally very capable and successful, with whom we have permanent collaboration.
In the field of fiscal legislation, which is well known, collaborating when is necessary also with licensed experts, who collaborate with the Studio, continuously.

5. 5. In the field of family law, knowing very well the family legislation, important psychological problems, dealing with parent-child relationships, student – teacher, putting at the service of the parties seeking dissolution of marriage and who they want to regulate the parent-child relationship, and the division of the immovable property imposed during coexistence.

6. 6. In the field of ciminal law, in all issues and problems, that handles, realizing qualified defense, in the process of preliminary investigation and at all levels of judgment, the recognition of foreign criminal decisions in the Republic of Albania and relations with foreign authorities in the criminal field, that have to do with extraditions.
The activity in the fields listed above is comprehensive, starting with the study of materials, judicial consultancies, the study and the treatment for criminal or civil files, administrative, familiar etc, decisions and administrative orders issued by the state administration organs, preparation of memos, legal action, requests for appeal, recourses, requirements frontward the Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights. It follows and represents the above items, at all levels of judgment, during penal decision execution, civil, administrative and executive titles.
In the premises of Legal Studio “Kushe”, also is performed the Notaries activity, represented by Notary Joana M. Kushe, which has practiced Lawyer profession, around 7 years at this studio, for the civil and administrative conflicts. Is a connoisseur of civilian law, administrative, commercial and familiar, speaks very well the English and Italian language.